

Here is a beautifully written rave review from Dean Sciarra who represents a group of very gifted artists at


A little story you may like . . .

Yesterday my wife and I took a little trip. On the way home I put your CD in the player. I had listened to it before - but I had been working and doing things in my office at the time. I knew I liked it but the first listen hadn't prepared me for what was about to happen.

From song to song I found myself moving through altered states. Emotions welled up in me and I had to hold back tears on many more than one song. The lyrics took me to a place that I rarely go these days - questioning aspects of my life -identifying with so many ideas and feelings expressed in your music. Traditionally speaking, I am not particularly religious although I'm well aware of the "big picture" and that we are not all here by accident - and the things we do and people we interact with are no accidents either. But listening to your music "up close" and undisturbed profoundly affected me.

"Invisible Hands" reassured me that all of the "chances" I take in my life to continue on a path that will enable people to share the music I care about and believe in are supported by a higher power. Perhaps,"Everywhere" is one of the best examples of how your music walks the line between relating to people on a "religious" level and a "personal interpretation" that everyone can feel. Of course, "One Heart" is a poignant anthem offering the thread of connection between us all - the beauty of which is so undeniable that the tears of joy started to flow.

"It May Not Be Today" supported my feeling that no matter how long it takes to get where I'm going (wherever that may be) I know that the path is clearly ahead and any leap of faith demanded of me is no longer such a huge leap. The stories contained in "The Miracle of Love" and "I Shall Not Be Moved" are both deeply touching and life affirming - both moved me and further convinced me what a treasure I was listening to.

And it was not all tears of joy. I mean, when "Love is Waiting" came on I said to Susan, my wife, "Hey, this sounds like a great tune for Wynonna (I'm a big fan and have seen her many times). And Susan was reading the lyric sheet and at the same time said, "You're not gonna believe this but this song was written for Wynonna." Of course, I wasn't "really" surprised at the synchrony of it all, but the moment was a strong one, nonetheless. We laughed and looked at each other with that little lightshine that we often share.

"Only Heaven Knows" - "A World Of Peace" - "Keep On Walking" - all three kept the emotions going (as if I expected it to change?) not the least of which was "A World of Peace" which made me want to get out of the car and "preach" on the street corner that we are all in this together. But I realized that all I can do is tell people about artists like you and let you take it from there.

I kept thinking throughout listening, "what song would I use on the next free CD sampler that I'm preparing to do." I kept thinking that almost every tune was the one. That happens rarely for me. But the emotion in every song is so wonderful that I couldn't make up my mind. (And I still don't know which I would pick.)

And once "Keep On Walking" was finished I looked at my wife and she said, "let's listen again." I said, "To the whole CD?" and she said, "Of course." So off we went to experience it all over again. The remarkable thing is that every song did exactly what it had done the first time. All the tears came again, the emotions returned even though I knew what was coming. I wouldn't exactly call listening to this album - "fun" - but I don't imagine it was written for that. If however, it was written so that people would find God in your music, then congratulations. That, you have done.

Thank you so much,

Dean Sciarra

Music Marketing Manager